Sunday, September 26, 2010

Third World Country- Allegory

     Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to encounter.  Not any books, maps, or lectures, just the experience I was about to gain.  I packed my bags, said my goodbyes, and left for my four year voyage to a third world country.
     When I arrived, I knew the myths about these savages were true.  They had these strange rituals, piercings, tattoos, and experimented with some dangerous things.  The leaders treated us like like slaves, working us day and night.  I just went through the motions, becoming numb inside and out.  The living conditions were harsh.  It was always too hot or too cold, from one extreme to the other.  The entire system was corrupt.  It was all a game to somebody, and we were all just the puppets.  We were turned into lifeless forms, without any will or say in anything.  After some time in this horrid country, I was becoming more and more brainwashed.  I began conforming into their society, and before I knew it, I was one of them.  To make matters even worse, death was always lurking around us.  We eventually became numb from any pain and dealt with our losses.  We also became numb from any happiness.
     As I arrived near the end of my journey, everybody has changed in someway or another.  We won't leave with as many as we first started with, but we will all leave as corrupt as the country we lived in. 

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