Sunday, March 20, 2011

you fit into me

Margaret Atwood

you fit into me
like a hook into an eye

a fish hook
an open eye

This is a very short poem made up of two couplets.  There isn't a rhyme scheme.

The first two lines refer to a hook and an eye.  The hook and eye that Atwood is talking about are sewing tools.  It starts off with a happy, lovey dovey tone to it. 

The next two lines go to reveal it's not the type of hook and eye first assumed.  The happy tone quickly turns into a not so cheerful, painful tone.  Although this is a short poem, it certainly says a lot. Maybe she was inspired because somebody stabbed her in the back.....or eye.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Goodbye, Hello

Goodbye to the house I grew up in,
the log house on top of a hill,
Goodbye to my room, bathroom, and kitchen,
To my neighbors, Betty, David, Debbie, and Bill.
Goodbye to my yard of trees galore,
to the oak where my tire swing once swung.
Goodbye to my key which unlocked the front door,
to the shower in which I always sung.
Goodbye to this and more,
but Hello to so much more.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Questions We Have About Guys

Why do you have to lie?
Why are you so immature?
Why can't you just say what you're thinking?
Why do you always have such a big ego?
Why do you think you know everything?
How did you get so cute?
Why are you so irresistible?
Why do you love me?
Are you the one?