Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Golf Links

Sarah N. Cleghorn

The golf links lie so near the mill
     That almost every day
The laboring children can look out
     And see the men at play.

For such a short poem, it says a lot.  To start off with, a golf link is the oldest form of a golf course and originated in Scotland.  With that information you can assume this poem was written back in the day (written in 1915).  Lines three and four are the lines that really captured my attention.  She mentions how the children are working, but the men are just playing.  Hmmmm..... I think it should be the other way around.  The only lines that rhyme are two and four, which are both the indented lines. 


  1. It's a juxtaposition that is jarring. Nice pics--as always! :D

  2. I totally agree Lyndsey! The pictures are very awesome in helping your analysis of the poem. It gave me something to look at rather than just read! :)
